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- All timings are for cache case and two-clock reads and writes.
- address mode fea fiea cea ciea jea
- single effective address instruction format
- Dn 0 2/ 4 0 2/ 4
- An 0 0
- (An) 3 3/ 4 2 2/ 4 2
- (An)+ 3 5/ 7 2 4/ 6
- -(An) 4 4/ 4 2 2/ 4
- (d16,An) 4 4/ 6 2 4/ 6 4
- (xx).w 4 6/ 8 2 4/ 6 2
- (xx).l 4 6/ 8 4 6/ 8 2
- #data.b 2
- #data.w 2
- #data.l 4 6/ -
- brief format extension word
- (d8,An,Xn) 6 8/10 4 6/ 8 6
- full format extension word(s)
- (d16,An) 6 8/10 6 8/10 6
- (d16,An,Xn) 6 8/10 6 8/10 6
- ([d16,An]) 10 12/14 10 12/14 10
- ([d16,An],Xn) 10 12/14 10 12/14 10
- ([d16,An],d16) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([d16,An],Xn,d16) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([d16,An],d32) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([d16,An],Xn,d32) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- (B) 6 8/10 6 8/10 6
- (d16,B) 8 10/12 8 10/12 8
- (d32,B) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([B]) 10 12/14 10 12/14 10
- ([B],I) 10 12/14 10 12/14 10
- ([B],d16) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([B],I,d16) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([B],d32) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([B],I,d32) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([d16,B]) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([d16,B],I) 12 14/16 12 14/16 12
- ([d16,B],d16) 14 16/18 14 16/18 14
- ([d16,B],I,d16) 14 16/18 14 16/18 14
- ([d16,B],d32) 14 16/18 14 16/18 14
- ([d16,B],I,d32) 14 16/18 14 16/18 14
- ([d32,B]) 16 18/20 16 18/20 16
- ([d32,B],I) 16 18/20 16 18/20 16
- ([d32,B],d16) 18 20/22 18 20/22 18
- ([d32,B],I,d16) 18 20/22 18 20/22 18
- ([d32,B],d32) 18 20/22 18 20/22 18
- ([d32,B],I,d32) 18 20/22 18 20/22 18
- fiea and ciea: #data.W/#data.L
- B = base address: 0, An, PC, Xn, An+Xn, PC+Xn
- (Form does not affect timing)
- I = Index: 0, Xn
- Xn cannot be in B and I at the same time.
- Scaling and size of Xn do not affect timing.
- commands time special
- ABCD 4/13 (Dn/mem)
- ADD 2+fea/3+fea (Dn/mem)
- ADDA 4+fea/2+fea (.W/.L)
- ADDI 2+fiea/3+fiea (Dn/mem)
- ADDQ 2/3+fea (Rn/mem)
- ADDX 2/ 9 (Dn/mem)
- AND 2+fea/3+fea (Dn/mem)
- ANDI 2+fiea/3+fiea (Dn/mem)
- ANDI to SR/CCR 12
- ASL 6/ 8/ 6+fea (#data,Dn/ Dn,Dm/ mem by 1)
- ASR 4/ 6/ 4+fea (#data,Dn/ Dn,Dm/ mem by 1)
- Bcc (taken) 6
- Bcc. (not taken) 4/ 6/ 6 (.B/.W/.L)
- BCHG 6 (+fea, if Dn,mem; +fiea, if #,mem)
- BCLR 6 (+fea, if Dn,mem; +fiea, if #,mem)
- BFCHG 14/14+ciea (Dn/mem) (+8, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BFCLR 14/14+ciea (Dn/mem) (+8, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BFEXTx 10/12+ciea (Dn/mem) (+6, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BFFFO 20/22+ciea (Dn/mem) (+6, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BFINS 12/12+ciea (Dn/mem) (+6, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BFSET 14/14+ciea (Dn/mem) (+8, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BFTST 8/10+ciea (Dn/mem) (+4, if 5 Bytes mem)
- BSET 6 (+fea, if Dn,mem; +fiea, if #,mem)
- BSR 6
- BTST 4 (+fea, if Dn,mem; +fiea, if #,mem)
- CAS 13+ciea/11+ciea (successful/unsuccessful)
- CAS2 24 (maximum)
- CHK 8+fea /28+fea (no exeption/ exeption)
- CHK2 18+fiea/40+fiea (no exeption/ exeption)
- CLR 2/ 3+cea (Dn/mem)
- CMP 2+fea
- CMP2 20+fiea
- CMPA 4+fea
- CMPI 2+fiea/3+fiea (Dn/mem)
- CMPM 8
- DBcc 6/10 (not expired/expired)
- DIVS.L 90+fiea (maximum)
- DIVS.W 56+fea (maximum)
- DIVU.L 78+fiea (maximum)
- DIVU.W 44+fea (maximum)
- EOR 2/3+fea (Dn,Dn/Dn,EA)
- EORI 2+fiea/3+fiea (Dn/mem)
- EORI to SR/CCR 12
- EXG 4
- EXT 4
- JMP 4+jea
- JSR 4+jea
- LEA 2+cea
- LINK 4/ 6 (.W/.L)
- LSd 4/ 6/ 4+fea (#data,Dn/ Dn,Dm/ mem by 1)
- MOVE EA,EA 2+fea+fea (sometimes 2 or 4 clocks faster)
- MOVE SR/CCR 4+fea
- MOVEM EA,RL 8+4n+cea
- MOVEM RL,EA 4+2n+cea
- MOVEP 10/14 (.W/.L)
- MOVES 7+fea/5+cea (EA,Rn/Rn,EA)
- MULx.L 44+fiea (maximum)
- MULx.W 28+fea (maximum)
- NBCD 6/ 5 (Dn/mem)
- NEG 2/ 3+fea (Dn/mem)
- NEGX 2/ 3+fea (Dn/mem)
- NOP 2
- NOT 2/ 3+fea (Dn/mem)
- OR 2+fea/3+fea (Dn/mem)
- ORI 2+fiea/3+fiea (Dn/mem)
- ORI to SR/CCR 12
- PACK 6/11 (Dn/mem)
- PEA 4+cea
- ROd 6/ 8/ 6+fea (#data,Dn/ Dn,Dm/ mem by 1)
- ROXd ?/12/ 4+fea (#data,Dn/ Dn,Dm/ mem by 1)
- RTD 10
- RTR 12
- RTS 9
- SBCD 4/13 (Dn/mem)
- Scc 4/ 5+cea (Dn/mem)
- SUB 2+fea/3+fea (Dn/mem)
- SUBA 4+fea/2+fea (.W/.L)
- SUBI 2+fiea/3+fiea (Dn/mem)
- SUBQ 2/ 3+fea (Dn/mem)
- SUBX 2/ 9 (Dn/mem)
- SWAP 4
- TAS 4/12+cea (Dn/mem)
- TST 2/ 2+fea (Dn/mem)
- UNLK 5
- UNPK 8/11 (Dn/mem)
- BKPT 9
- Interrupt 23/33 (I-/M-Stack)
- RESET 518
- STOP 8
- TRACE 22
- TRAP 18 (also "Illegal" and "Privilege Violation")
- TRAPcc 4/ 6/ 8 (-/.W/.L) (+18, if trap)
- TRAPV 4/22 (no trap/ trap)
- RTE 12-76
- Bus Cycle Fault 36-62